National distinctions among Northwest Coast peoples can be traced back to the most ancient times, when Raven “summoned four different nations of men out of the ground, the Tsimshian, Haida, Kwakwakawakw, and Tlingit”. The Museum’s Hall of Nations exhibits works of art, ceremonial objects, and regalia, high-lighting the distinctive themes and styles of each Northwest Coast nation.
Argillite box with lid carved by Charles Edenshaw depicting frogs, a wolf, and seals.
Even objects as recent as button blankets are distinct in style from nation to nation, from the materials to the designs themselves. Mother of pearl, abalone, or dentalium shell highlight specific crests or spirit figures, in styles that are distinctive of each nation. Some modern works of art - argillite carvings created by the Haida for example - are also unique in material, style and expression.
Tsimshian button blanket depicting Eagle crest in dentalium shell