The Treasures Gallery explores the fusion of spirit power and art in the regalia and ceremonial objects of chiefs and shamans. Through such works of art as chiefly robes and carved frontlets, shamanic grizzly claw headdresses and aprons fringed with deer hoofs, the chiefs and shamans bring to life the helping powers of the spirit world.
A unique headdress of mountain goat horn and abalone shell, worn by a chief on ceremonial occasions.
Chiefs lead their lineages and care for the territories that sustain their people. Shamans use their special relationship to the spirit world to conduct rituals of respect to the spirits in the land that enhance the lives of the people. The fact that chiefly and shamanic regalia and other ceremonial and ritual pieces only convey their full meaning when danced is conveyed in the etched glass art in the centre of the gallery.
Design elements in a Gwishalaayt, or Robe of Power, woven of mountain goat wool and cedar bark.